Age: 43
Birthdate: October 24, 1981
About Me: Hi, I’m Kevin, 43 years old and incarcerated in Anson County, NC. I’m originally from Staten Island, NY, but moved to NC as a teenager. I’ve been incarcerated since 2010 and will be released 1/16/28. I was convicted of 2nd degree murder, in connection with a DWI crash that I was responsible for.
Since my incarceration, I have spent a lot of time drawing and writing. I have written 4 books. I have also mentored some of the younger guys to stay sober. I’m a people person, I’m outgoing and like to think I’m funny and can make anyone laugh. I’m easy to talk to and would like to meet a penpal to get to know as friends, and potentially more as time goes on. I have one adult son who is successful and I’m very proud of.
I did brick masonry and other construction work prior to being incarcerated and I plan to do the same type of work once I’m released. You can reach me on GTL (the “Getting out” app or website). Just add me as a contact. My location is Anson CC in North Carolina. I can also do video visits on my tablet after we chat.
My soul is consumed by "time"
it's taken over my entire mind
I'm confined, trapped off like a bad dog who only does wrong
Barbed wire fences, built to keep me in,
Force to rethink everything.
Second guess my way of living.
Time can only play tricks on you.
It's this place. Nothing changes but the seasons.
Year after year, I just sit here.
The system has no incentive.
No way to motivate.
Years with nothing to stimulate.
Eventually my heart turns to hate.
It's not just me, it's all of us, and soon enough,
This time consumes all of us.
I don't care how you look at it.
Everyone has abandoned us.
Just left us like we don't exist.
It makes me furious.
Abandoned! You understand me?!
Everyone's gone. They stopped believing in us.
It's only me left. Lost, scared, and dispossessed.
I've contemplated suicide
Why the fuck wouldn't I?
Can you understand my state of mind?
What it's like to be confined like this?
Day in, day out of an exiled existence.
My entire life consists of broken promises.
Cruel memories of how things used to be.
Everything is filthy, tall gun towers to intimidate me.
Concrete walls and a barbed wire fence that surrounds it all.
I hate it here and I'm fed up. It's a living nightmare.
I can only take so much.
This prison is dangerous.
All is subject to change.
They can put me in chains, take me to a strange place.
Start over new.
Same cage, different cell, same pain, same shame.
Different faces, only everyone looks the same.
Staring at the sky, worshipping, believing.
Some just to get by, some asking God "Why?"
But in the end, we're all begging for the same thing.
For time to hurry up and just pass on by.
So I get in line and look at the same sky.
And then it hits me.
I have an epiphany.
My only son. His name is Jordan.
My God, something in me gets revived.
I have never felt so alive.
My son. He still needs me.
I hold my head up high. Tattooed his portrait on my side.
Right next to "Irish Pride" and "Mama Tried".
I am re-energized.
Thank you, God.
I'll never give in no matter what the circumstances.
I have been judged and condemned to a life of isolation.
But I swear on everything.
I'll never quit. I'll never let them win.
So Jordan, be patient.
Once this is all done, I'm coming home to you.
My only son.
Charges: 2nd Degree Murder
Projected Release Date: January 16, 2028
Write to me at:
Kevin O'Hagan #0647425
NC Anson Correctional Institution
PO Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
*Or message me on Getting Out.